Have you recently noticed ugly black lines in your favourite carpet flooring? You want to immediately get rid of them. It is damaging the replenished look of your living rooms or dining areas. You have no idea where these lines came from. Just relax! It is amongst the most common problems every homemaker notices once in a lifetime. But you have to remember that the lines are not built up in one day. It takes time to notice. Maybe there are any mistakes you are making while Carpet CleaningCanterbury . So, let us guide you on what the reasons hidden behind such lines are. Reason 1: Filtration soiling You might think, what is filtration soiling? It is nothing but trapping of dust in the carpet. It is a very common problem noticed by homeowners. When cool or hot air transfers in your room to maintain the ventilation, the particles of dust and dirt transfer from the walls to the baseboard. Such dirt deposited for a long time creates the black lines. Your carpet also acts as a filter. So...